Whether you run a restaurant, a bar, an entertainment venue, or any other kind of business that sells or serves alcoholic beverages, you will need the correct permit or license to do so. The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) regulates the sale of alcohol throughout the state, and in addition to any federal, city, or county permit, you will also need a permit from the TABC. If you sell or serve distilled spirits, wine, or malt beverages for consumption on your business’s premises then the permit you will likely need is a Mixed Beverage Permit. Below, we’ll breakdown the process of obtaining this kind of permit as well as some tips on maintaining it.

What Is a Mixed Beverage Permit?

A TABC Mixed Beverage Permit (MB) authorizes a business to sell mixed beverages such as distilled spirits, malt beverages, and wine for on-premise consumption. It also allows a business to transport alcoholic beverages from the point of purchase to the business premises and authorizes them to hold temporary off-site events where alcohol is sold. For the latter, though, please note that there is still an approval process that needs to be followed.

The type of businesses that may need this permit include bars, hotels with in-room minibars, catering companies, or restaurants that serve wine and other alcoholic beverages. Note that if your establishment also serves food, you will likely need the Mixed Beverage with Food and Beverage Certificate Permit.

When Can You Sell Alcoholic Beverages?

With a Mixed Beverage Permit, you are authorized for alcoholic beverage sales during the following hours:

  • Between 7AM and 12AM Monday through Saturday
  • Between 12AM and 1AM on Sunday
  • Between 12PM and 12AM on Sunday
  • Please note that there is an exception: Alcoholic beverages may be sold beginning at 10:00 A.M. with the service of food or if licensed premises are located at a festival, fair, concert, or sports venue

Who Can Purchase What You Are Selling?

In most cases, as long as you are selling to those above age 21, you are are able to make alcoholic beverage sales to them. However note that these are the exceptions of who you cannot sell to:

  • Anyone under the age of 21 (or those who can not prove with identification that they are 21 years of age or older)
  • Anyone who is visibly intoxicated, regardless of their age

Do You Need Any Other TABC Liquor Licenses?

Typically, a business will only need one TABC permit or license in order to operate. The exceptions to this are if you need a temporary permit for an event, or if you serve food (or change your plans and end up serving food) and may want to have the Mixed Beverage with the subordinate Food and Beverage Certificate.

What Is the Process for Obtaining a Mixed Beverage Permit?

Once you have determined that you need a Mixed Beverage Permit for your business, you will next to need to begin the application process. Applying for a Mixed Beverage Permit involves going through the TABC website, filling out all needed documentation and forms, paying your application fee and any other associated fees, and then waiting to see that you have been approved for the permit. 

Some factors in your business’s eligibility include but are not limited to:

  • Age: Applicants (the Mixed Beverage Permit holder) must be 21 years of age or older
  • Clean criminal record: Applicants may not have a felony conviction within the last five years
  • No tier interference: Applicants may not have any vested interest in a TABC permit inside a different tier system
  • No recent moral turpitude violations: Applicants can not have had any moral turpitude violations within the six months previous to applying

If you meet the eligibility requirements, the steps you will need to follow in the application process itself include:

  • Choose the correct permit or license type for your business
  • Obtain the requisite certifications from the city, council, comptroller, and the TABC bonds
  • Create an account on AIMS (Alcohol Industry Management System)
  • Apply for your license, you will receive a tracking number which you should keep somewhere secure as you may need to reference it later
  • Complete the TABC licensing course
  • Submit your completed application
  • Pay the application fee

Once you have submitted the application and paid the fee, the waiting period begins. The permit review process can take anywhere from several weeks to several months. Remember that your tracking number can be used to check the status of your application at any time.

What Do You Need to Do to Maintain Your Permit?

Once you have received your permit, you will need to take steps to ensure that you are properly following all rules and regulations surrounding your permit and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code. These may include aspects like:

  • Displaying the proper signage
  • Ensuring all staff are correctly trained
  • Avoiding any instances where regulations are broken–for example, serving minors or not properly checking identification when serving customers
  • Renewing your permit in a timely manner

Failure to do any of these things can result in penalties such as revocation of your permit, closure or sanctions on your business, fines, and even jail time.

How Can A Texas Liquor License Consultant Help?

The process of obtaining and maintaining your Mixed Beverage Permit and following the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code can be complicated. This may be especially true depending on where you are located in the state, as every locality has slightly different regulations which can include aspects such as where you can be located, whether you are in a dry area, and more.

An experienced Texas liquor license consultant can help. They will ensure you’re applying for the correct permit that best suits your business needs, help with the application, check to see that you have following all regulations to the best of your ability, and ensure that your renewal is done in time.

For help with your license or permit, please reach out to us at (713) 881-9009 for a free consultation or through our Contact Form.